Friday, December 19, 2008

Our arrival to Dalarna

Arvid wakes up at 1:30 AM stressing about the snow and ice at home. I awaken at 3AM and find him awake. We go into the hallway and call Kennon. It is very bad at home. But at least he is able to discuss things with her. He feels better and after Tylenol PM is able to sleep again. We get up at 8AM and go to breakfast.

It is nicer in Linköping. We felt so at home there. This is pretty fancy and not organized as nicely.
A typical breakfast for Swedes in a piece of bread with cheese and ham or salami on top with maybe a sliced cucumber or red pepper on top of that. They also like Fil Milk which is like our buttermilk with cereal. Yogurt with cereal is also offered. They love bacon as I observe at all these buffets. There is hard tack with choices of herring, salmon, liver pate with cream cheese too. They have special plain, thinly sliced bread which is the only bread they use for toast. Usually there is a toaster there for you. They like eggs of varying doneness and you see egg cups and little spoons for that.

We are excited to get to Dalarna and take off as soon as we can. It will take us 4 1/2 hours to get there. Ulla has warned us of snowy and icy roads. The temperature gets colder and colder. The Ipod music gets interrupted yet again for a warning that wild pigs are in the road! We didn't even know there are wild pigs in Sweden but Karli assures us that is what she heard. It is not close to us so we can be amused by the warning.

We stop in Varbro at a cute Konditori. We buy open faced sandwiches. Mine has shrimp, Karli's has meatballs and beets, Arvid gets a ham and cheese hoagie. This is a bright cheery little place where people know each other. It is white and decorated so Swedish like. The pastries look so amazing and they keep bringing in freshly baked ones. The bakery is in the basement. Of course we har kaffe och bulle efter middag! One is top and bottom flaky pastry with cream in the middle. The other is a round sweet bun with cream inside. Yummy

We drive on to Ulla.

By Malung we are back in the snow again. It is so beautiful because it is day light and we can see this time! We remember to turn at Heden. We go to the house and Ulla is waiting! We sit and have some tea and smörgås. We have a nice talk. A man comes to the door. He is selling tunnbröd! Ulla buys some, both soft and hard. He is from Jämtland and travels around selling their breads. Ulla has bought from him before. We eat some and then she freezes the rest. You can see the tunnbröd in the background of the above photo.

Ulla must work tomorrow so we go to bed early. We stay in a big bedroom and Karli is in a nice room she has had before. We hope this will be a total sleep night, with no waking up!

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